Monday, May 17, 2010

..Then he is most likely to have lost his humanity

Dear Diary,
Today I don't know what to feel anymore...If this keeps going on one day it will reach lvl 5.
My brother tried to throw the TV remote at me. So I got angry and watched my own shows. He started crying. Its so annoying and now I really hate him a lot. he called my mother and told about me and saying only bad about me. He didn't even bother to tell her that he threw the control at me. I had to tell her myself. Then she accused me of daring him to do it. I was so frustrated. >.< Then she forced me to do some work that isn't even due in two weeks time. I was unhappy but i said 'fine...' in a normal tone... Then a minute ltr she called my phone and told me off because she thinks I said it in a rude tone.
Just because u all think i am violent doesn't mean i don have any emotions. I have emotions and i can be soft-hearted sometimes. The feeling when you have tears coming out of your eyes and you know its not because of happiness but in fact the exact opposite. I cried for like 10 minutes after she hanged up. I started screaming at the pillow. Then it happened. It got to lvl 2 but nothing else further. I wanted to punch the wall or something. I bet i could either chip part of the wall off or break my hand. They both work and result in the same effect.
Sometimes I wish she would just leave me alone for once and let me decide what I want to do. Just beacause you are my mother doesn't mean you have control over me. I have the right of Freedom so leave me alone. You say you don't nag me. You say you don torture me. You say you give me freedom. You say you let me choose when I want to do what i wanna do. But all that, its just talk. You really mean it then walk the talk then. Prove to me you give me Freedom. cuz now, you trap me in your torture chamber and don let me go. I bet when u were a kid u felt like me. if u know how it feels then don do it to other people.