Friday, May 7, 2010

But if any human has never felt love before...

Dear diary,
Yesterday was another one. These frenzies are happening too often. I fear it rising to level 4 or even worse, level 5. Should a level 4 frenzy happen I will know that the level 5 frenzy is just around the corner. I plan to either lock myself up or if that doesn't work then death seems like the only other solution.
Yesterday, after school i felt good. It was another KL Dragons training session for basketball. I know its like KL's squad its so awesome! You guys all know how much I love basketball :D its like my life. I wouldn't have come to his school if there was no basketball. :D Training was quite good. Lots of push ups, especially for Owen my little white friend :) because our coach was kind of bullying him. In the end Owen managed to score a goal from behind the hoop (I know its almost impossible :O!!!) and he won a T-shirt with the words KL Dragons on it. He felt so proud :) I felt so happy for him. Although the shirt was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too big for him since he was so short and small in size, he should grow into it in a few years time. I hope he reaches his growth spurt soon :) GO OWEN!!! :D
Right after basketball practice Owen decided to try to make the same shot again. This idiot which was named apan (I think) kept trying to block him. I started to stop him from doing that. he pushing me for no reason. I hate him soooooooooooooo much. Then for some reason he kicked me in the stomach. I got angry...(Yes... im afraid frenzy level 2 ) There were like 5 people blocking my path towards revenge over him. After that some year 10 guy came and pinned me down to the ground and wouldn't let me go until some teacher came. The teacher 'escorted' (I didn't really need it) me to the front gate and i got into the car. The guy really is an idiot. I will get him back one day. I swear i will get my revenge over him one day. He will regret his entire existence.

You guys from KC1 I really miss you all. Even those enemies I really hated. I realized without you guys life is really broing :( I wish I had gone to same school as some of you guys D: Especially miss The Shinobi 3 members and Chee Heng D;But I can still meet you guys on Dragonica some times so I guess thats quite ok...Except for Jian Jun.
I wish some of you guys had come to Garden international school with me :( Even Brandon would be fine :O we're quite ok now ever since THAT betrayal.