Sunday, May 2, 2010

Love is the best emotion ever...

Dear diary,
Yesterday made me very happy. I spent the whole day with HER and some friends. In the morning, we went paintballing. :) In total we played 4 rounds but i only got shot once. I ran out of bullets once as well. And like...omg the bullets have vegetable oil in them :( paint! it was awesome!!! In the afternoon we had KFC for lunch. SHE was as eager to eat as me :) now i think i love her more :) After lunch we played some games and ice-breakers. It was quite fun. We played the table fusbal and snoooker as well at Ken's house. For dinner we went to Ian's house for BARBEQUE!!!! But before that we went swimming and played some polo, monkey and relay racing and i swam like super mega slow :( Dinner was quite good :) there was chicken and steak and beef and sausages and PIZZA!!! there was corn as well then we had some dessert and Ian's mother made her famous marble chocolate and cheese cake the cake was too good I almost had like sugar rush! By the time I got home it was really late so i had to go to bed :(

next time!