Monday, December 10, 2012

Seeking direction

Dear Diary,
  Times have been hard. Nothing in the past 4 weeks has been going very well for me. She's leaving, and I'm just stuck in a dilemma of what to do. I really want to ask her out, but is it worth the risk? Do i go for it and lose everything, or wait and hope for a change of events? Life has just been falling apart for me, all this stress, all the pressure. I just pray that God gives me the strength to live on through each day, that he gives me the support I needed but didn't get from my friends, to go on with life. I thank God for what great things he has done for me in my life, but right now, I just want a sign from God, to show me truly which path to take, what I should really choose, because I know he wants only the best for me, and only the best He will give.
  As of now, IT is under control. I guess the world DOESN'T end in 2012 then. haha.