Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hari Raya Hols~

Dear Diary,
So here's a summary of my Hari Raya holidays so far. I've gone to singapor the night before the holidays began. I played computer most of the time, played a few rounds of the Game of Life which i had to and had no other choice. Came back, and my parents are off to Italy :D Staying at Brother's friend's place tonight and going back tommorrow.
I just visited Tasha's blog just now and she said i was at a level of nothingness. But there is no level of nothingness. Even a kid from kindergarden knows that. From a post i read at KGMH ( Kids Give Me Hope ) which i still don't know why i went to read, a kindergarden kid was asked whether the phrase, ' you are beautifull' was a fact or opinion. He replied, ' a statement, everybody is beautifull in their own ways. even the most ugliest person in the world is beautifull beyond imagination.' If a 5-year-old knows such a thing shouldn't we all?
Life here in Garden's is okay...but i just wish i had some friends from pirmary here with me. Its getting really lonely and im getting bullied all the time. People like to pick on me all the time. I even pprefer it in primary where everyone hated me except for my few true friends. But we've split up, and only i left alone. I feel so lonely now. I have hardly any friends in Garden and half of my friends ( which really isn't much) dislike me and go against me sometimes. People just hate me everywhere don't they? Life is just so hard.
I know what you think about this blog. It sucks doesn't it? Well for those of you who think that, get your ass out of here! You shouldn't be reading this if you think I suck. Most of you won't even read till this part, and i hardly have any readers. Anyway im not meant to have that many. Its supposed to be my own quiet personal blog for my diary entries right. And im sorry for not posting so often its hard to post while im so busy playing